Welcome to our logistics company! We offer a wide range of services in the field of logistics, which will help you speed up the delivery of your goods and improve the quality of service to your customers.
Our company has many years of experience in this field and we are ready to offer our clients the most effective and reliable solutions for any logistics tasks.
Our history

Where did it all start
Our company was founded in Baku, Azerbaijan on June 25, 1996 as BarwilBaku and was an agent of BarwilIstanbul for that period.
Since 1999, the company has been operating under the name of Bartrans Shipping Forwarding & Trading Ltd and its activities are focused and aimed at the development and increase of transport and logistics in Azerbaijan. The office started with the management of transportation from \ to the CIS countries through the Black Sea through Azerbaijan, providing a full service in the ports of Poti, Batumi (Georgia), as well as in the ports of the Caspian Sea.

Company expansion
In June 2004, Bartrans expanded its activities by opening its representative office in Uzbekistan with the intention of facilitating export\import from the regions of Central Asia and shipments to Afghanistan. The branch also develops reliable relations with agents in India, the countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the Far East.
The Kazakhstan branch of Bartrans – “Talos Astana Ltd” was opened in Astana in 2006 to support the transport business in the CIS countries, in \ from Turkey and the Far East.
Currently, Bartrans Shipping Forwarding and Trading Ltd is engaged in multimodal transportation, organizing sea, rail and\or machine shipments at the same time. We provide transport by rail \ by land \ by sea, having contacts in the bays, in the ports of the Mediterranean, Black, Japanese and Baltic seas. The company’s staff consists of highly professional specialists with extensive experience in the fields of transport and logistics. We provide prompt services to control loads in all directions, calculate tariffs, select suitable routes and provide any information required for the smooth movement of cargo.

With more than 25 years of experience in the region, we apply all our skills to meet any necessary needs of our customers in the field of logistics.


Why choose us

Directions and transport
Multi-modal transportation to anywhere in the world

Efficient Management
Timely provision of information on cargo

Individual approach
We take into account the needs and requirements of each of our clients

Saving time and money
We take care of all organizational and logistical issues
We provide reliable delivery
Leave a request and our managers will contact you as soon as possible
Our certificates